Lisa and Jason's Japanese Adventure

Day 2, Part 2: Hiroshima Castle and Vicinity
(Click on thumbnails for gi-normous pictures.)
After visiting the museum and A-Bomb Dome, some of us went across town to Hiroshima Castle. We made a couple of stops on the way there.

"Hey man," they said, "You go without it for as long as we have, then you'll understand."

A statue outside of a museum. Hiroshima has several museums, including a museum of cinematography.

Hiroshima Castle is separated from the city by a very wide moat.

Back in the day, this bridge and entrance gate would have been heavily guarded.

Guard towers ringed the grounds.

Within the castle walls was a very beautiful temple.

Lisa and Scott washed their hands (per tradition) at the provided fountain...

...Before heading up to pay their respects.

Inside it was very beautiful. Not knowing what else to do, they just looked.

None of us knew enough Japanese to read the inscription in this stone pillar. We're hoping it says "Free Food for Westerners."

Here's a relief map of the castle grounds. Notice how intricate the maze of walls is. (click picture for a closer look.)

The Imposing Hiroshima Castle.

It was closed for the night, so we just took pictures of the outside.

A lesser-skilled Ninja might have trouble scaling these walls. Lisa did fine. (Photo by Lisa.)

A Historical Reenactment of some kind...

Finally we left the shadows of Hiroshima castle to go sing KARAOKE. Enough to relax and prepare for the next day's adventure...