Lisa and Jason's Japanese Adventure

Day 3: Miyajima Island, Temple and Mountain
(Click on thumbnails for gi-normous pictures.)
Across the Bay from Hiroshima proper is an island called Miyajima, home to a small village and the ancient waterfront Itsukushima Shrine. We took a ferry across the bay to have a look.

Miyajima is famous for their domesticated deer that run around everywhere. (Photo by Lisa)

You can buy rice crackers to feed them and they swarm you like bad dogs.

They climb on you and bite your butt until you give them all you got. I think one made off with my watch. (Photo by Lisa)

The Itsukushima Shrine is built out over the water. Sort of like Santa Monica pier, except the souvenirs are sold by monks.

These Stone Dog-Things guard the shrine against other Stone Animal attackers. They've been guarding the place since 593 A.D.

The famous Otorri gate is out in the water. You came through it if you were visiting the place by sea. (Photo by Lisa)

The gate is 16 meters tall by 24 meters wide, and the main pillars are made of single trees.(Photo by Lisa)

Another American Dufus gets in the way of a good gate picture.

The cool kids and the gate.

There are no metal nails used in this shrine, yet it stands up to powerful storms and rolling seas. (Photo by Lisa)

This five-storied tower pagoda was built in the 1400s.

Some of us decided to hike the mountain path to a temple at the top of Misen San. Some giggly Japanese schoolgirls helped us find the path.

Signs everywhere said "DON'T TALK TO THE MONKEYS!" Though our translation may have been a little off. (They just looked so lonely...)

About an hour into the stairway hike we started seeing little shrines like this one. Probably where you pray not to have a heart attack. At least, that's what I was praying.

Lisa pauses at a natural rock tunnel near the top.

An hour and forty-five minutes later we made it to the top. Some of us took a little longer than others as we were pathetically out of shape.

There's a tower at the peak for dorks with cameras to take pictures from. (Photo by Lisa)

Look! Hiroshima! (Photo by Lisa)

Storm's a comin'. Look closely and you can see the boat. (Photo by Lisa)

A boat steams into port.

A home with an incredible view.

After we'd had enough incredible views, we took the tram down. It was kind of like taking a ski lift without the snow. (Photo by Lisa)

It wasn't until we were on the lift that we realized how far up we'd climbed. Signs everywhere said "Don't feed the monkeys," but there were none to feed.

We soon realized the correct sign translation was "Don't feed Scott and Amy." I won't even venture to explain what's happening with Lisa.

By the time we got down, the tide had gone out. There was dry land all the way out to the Otorri gate.

It seems even taller from up close. The black barnacles at the bottom stretched up for ten feet.

That night we went out for okanamiyaki, a dish Hiroshima is known for. We found an out-of-the-way place where they made it right in front of us. (Photo by Lisa)

Okanamiyaki is an egg/noodle/vegetable/meat/sauce thing that you eat with a spatula right off the grill. The Hiroshima Carp/Tokyo Giants ballgame was on in the background.
That night we said our goodbyes to Lisa's friends. They were heading south from Hiroshima the next day; Lisa and I were striking north for Himeji Castle.